Monday, August 27, 2007

8 years and counting..Thank you God!

July 24,2007 was our eight year Wedding Anniversary. WOW! We have made it!! Yes I say made it. We didn't think we would make it to our first year. We did and have only grown stronger with time! Would I change anything no,not now.

As I type this I can recall the night D and I chose to make this work. The tears that came from the lost of a unborn child. D took me to the movies to try and help me keep my mind off things that were yet to come. He stayed with me till late that night. He held my hand and let me cry. Even thou I knew he hurt too,he worried about me more. This is only one reason why I knew I loved him. With years to come we had our ups and downs. But who doesn't?? And if we didn't walk away then we never will. We give each other the backing they need in life. We are Best friends. And four years
in to our marriage we had our little girl. I'm glad we waited. It gave us the time to work on us. Not many people do that. But I can say we did.

All My Life Lyrics

So what did we do for our day?? For the first time ever we didn't get to have the day or night alone. D had school that night. So we didn't see each other til late that night and we both were dog tired. So a quick I love you and off to bed we went.

With the coming year we are planing our renew of our vows. With this one the whole family and close friends will be there. We will have the kids as part of the vows. It's just not us anymore but a family thing.